Musk says Google will soon fix ‘racial and gender bias’ issues in Gemini



In response to criticism from entrepreneur Elon Musk, Google is undertaking urgent measures to rectify perceived issues of racial and gender bias in its generative AI chatbot and image generator, Gemini.

Musk claimed that a senior executive from Google reached out to him, affirming the company’s commitment to addressing the problems promptly.

The tech mogul shared this information on his X platform, stating, “He assured me that they are taking immediate action to fix the racial and gender bias in Gemini. Time will tell.”

Gemini came under scrutiny for producing what users described as “hallucinating” and historically inaccurate images in response to prompts.

The controversy centered around the AI chatbot generating images such as black Vikings, female Popes, and black Founding Fathers. As a result, Google temporarily disabled Gemini’s image generation tool on Thursday.

In an official statement, Google acknowledged the issues and announced, “We’re already working to address recent issues with Gemini’s image generation feature. While we do this, we’re going to pause the image generation of people and will re-release an improved version soon.”

Concerns have been raised about the potential infusion of human bias and prejudice into AI systems, as they learn from the data they are fed.

Some speculate that in an attempt to address discrimination, Google may have overcorrected in the development of Gemini.

Despite Google’s assertion that Gemini’s AI image generation encompasses a diverse range of people, critics argue that the current output is missing the mark. The company is determined to refine the system to avoid perpetuating biases.

Suspicions regarding a potential agenda behind the chatbot arose when alleged old tweets from Gemini’s senior director, Jack Krawczyk, circulated online.

The tweets, which have not been independently verified, purportedly include statements about white privilege, systemic racism, and expressions of emotion during the 2020 election.


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